Today, MobilityLabel received the Lean & Receive Green Award.
Lean and Green is a corporate and government incentive program implemented by Connekt. It encourages organizations to grow to a higher level of sustainability by taking measures that not only save costs, but also reduce environmental impact at the same time.
The Lean & Today’s Green Personal Mobility Award Winners are ABN-AMRO, ABB, Dutch, Hanzevast B.V., Iva Driebergen BV, MobilityLabel, Rainbow Management, Vallei Autogroep and Venko Groep B.V..
The reasons for MobilityLabel to join the Lean & Green Personal Mobility trajectory are diverse: On the one hand to contribute (as a small company) to the reduction of mobility-related CO2, on the other hand the reason is ‘practice what you preach’. Many of our clients are busy mapping their CO2 emissions, formulating improvement plans and changing (sometimes ingrained) travel and work behaviour. It therefore seemed only logical to us to get started with such a process ourselves and to experience what our clients experience. Noticing how difficult it is sometimes to properly map out all your journeys, to take a critical look at your fuel cards and public transport reports, to your 80/20 rule and to determine which CO2 emission values you have to calculate with and to make choices in savings and improvement processes.
It is precisely for this reason that we have seized the Lean & Green process with both hands and we are proud that the first steps in this have now led to an award.

Thijs Brentjens (MobilityLabel) receives Lean and Green award on behalf of MobilityLabel from Lean & Green ambassador Eric Kuindersma (photo: Michel Zoeter)
We really enjoy entering into a dialogue with other ambitious mobility greeners, learning from best practices and supporting others with tips or perhaps even with our own tools. Feel free to contact …